Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Other Cycling Photograph

Cyclist. Photograph by Tim Irving
Tour of Britain - Tim Irving
Here's the other photograph from the Tour of Britain Cycle Race. It's not bad considering my fumbles. October and November are good months for cycling as many clubs around the country are holding hill climbs. Hill climbs make it easy for a photographer, because as the cyclists struggle to reach the top they almost come to a standstill, in fact some do come to a standstill and end up walking. They're easy pickings for the predatory photographer, I can even take my time fumbling and still get the shot. There's a nice audio slide show featuring a hill climb here.

1 comment:

  1. Oooo, nice! The wheels are awesome! This one has a completely different feeling from the first, almost like a different race. Yes, I would say your fumbles were very good to you.

    (this is off topic, but several years ago after fighting insomnia for 2 months, the doctor gave me one week's worth of a sleep aide to get me back on track. I'd never taken sleeping pills before (nor since). But after taking them that first night I was lying on the couch watching a program on televison, and within 30 minutes the images on the TV looked just like those wheels in your photo).



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