Friday, November 26, 2010

The Hedge

Inside of a Hedge. Photograph by Tim Irving
The inside of a Hedge - Tim Irving
The leaves have almost gone for this year and the countryside looks a little barren and tired. To add interest to my walks, and to find some new colour combinations to the photos, I've been looking deep into hedgerows. If you see a man wearing inappropriate footwear, with his head in a hedge, stop and say hello, it could be me! (if it's not me, you could have a problem).

Part of my walk takes me on prehistoric pathways which were ancient when the Romans arrived. The hedges either side of these pathways are between 2000 and 4000 years old. They are a mixture of hawthorn, blackthorn, holly, beech, oak and ash. It's hostile inside the hedge, millions of thorns to scratch and stab. I wear gloves and push the camera in front of me and hope for the best.


  1. And I would say you're getting the best.

    (Wow, Mr. Hedgehog. You really do live in the old world.)

  2. Another gem, sounds like those shoes are really coming into their own.



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