Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Travelling On

Musician - Tim Irving
We had a bit of a storm last night, lots of rain, big gusts of wind but no great drama. It's still drizzling outside but the forecast is good for tomorrow. I'll venture out later to buy a few items for my secret project, or it will forever remain a secret. The weather is the number one topic of conversation of every person living in Britain. Both the dog walkers I met this morning greeted me by looking to heaven before telling me that "it should brighten up for the weekend".

The number two topic of conversation is foreign travel. This is a small island with very mixed weather and we're all looking to escape. I'm no exception, I'm plotting my exit as you read this, the destination is India with the excuse of photographing festivals and street performers.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Get going!

    (Beautiful photo. Both the man and his accordian have visual character, life, I can dig into)



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