Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool - Tim Irving |
I'm pleased to announce that a selection of my photographs can now be seen and purchased at the
Bluecoat gallery in the centre of Liverpool. The photographs which span the years 1984 to 2010, are available from Nook and Cranny who run the print and framing section in the main courtyard. Like a proud father, I visited my prints in Liverpool over the weekend, just to make sure they were comfortable and settled. I also spent time in the main gallery viewing the current exhibition, "Galapagos" a group show by twelve selected artists. The show was indeed excellent and deeply inspiring. As it runs until the 1st of July, I may take in another viewing.
My first customer |
On Sunday morning I arrived at the gallery early and was delighted to see a rook waiting pariently at the door. I have no idea if rooks are lucky, but I took this as a good sign that my prints will sell out. The rook seems to be a resident at the Bluecoat, I saw her knocking on doors and windows with her beak.
Granada, 1998 - Tim Irving |
Wish I could visit Liverpool to cluck at the Rook, push past the Nook, and crane my neck around the Cranny to see your show. What a very nice venue. Congratulations.